About Wellow Village Show
The Wellow Village Show has been brought to you by a volunteer team of people from the village, and is supported by, and financially underwritten by the Wellow Horticultural Society and Wellow Recreation.
This is the 73rd Annual Show. For many years it was run by the Wellow Horticultural Society and was primarily a Flower Show. As the show grew, it evolved into the Wellow Show and is now run as a village partnership.
Our main aim is to organise a day that everyone enjoys. Doing this costs money – which is why there is an entry fee to the Show (£4 for adults, £2 for Hort. Soc members, free for 16 year olds and under). It will be possible to pay the entry fee by card on the gate and some of the stalls will also take cards. However, many stalls will only be taking cash – so even in our new cashless society, please remember to bring some with you.
In the event that we make a surplus after all our costs, donations will be made to Julian House in Bath and the Bath City Farm
The Show takes place on the Wellow Playing Fields – BA2 8QA. There is limited parking available – in the village car park and, weather permitting, a field adjacent to it.
Our Thanks
Whilst the people listed below as the Show Team have pulled things together, the Show only happens because of the efforts of numerous people. So, in addition to all those listed in this programme, we would particularly like to thank:
- Sarah Sell for pulling the advertising together.
- Fred Nandi for help and time in putting this website together
- The following Wellow Groups who are delivering part of your entertainment on the day: The Parlour Shop, Wellow Valley Tennis, St Julian’s PTA, Wellow Boules, Wellow Composting Club
- St Julian’s School and Magic Box for facilitating many of the children’s competition entries
- St. John Ambulance for First Aid cover on the day
- All our advertisers, without whom the finances just don’t add up! Please give them your business over the next year.
- Richard Holland’s Parish Post for pre-event publicity
- Numerous other villagers and volunteers who will be doing their bit to make the day happen
The Show Team
Annabel Chapman (Raffle and volunteers)
Liz Hunt (Flower Show)
Lucy Pearman (Stalls)
Prakriti Karthauser (Logistics on the day)
Rebecca Reynolds (Entertainments and Food)
Rob Greig (Co-ordinator)
Sophie Hart (Entertainments and food)
Tim Hunt (Publicity)
Printed programme produced by Fiona Schubert